Monday, May 18, 2015

Coming Home

Two weeks from now I will be boarding a plane and leaving this beautiful country I have called home for the last 8 months or so.  I don't know how to describe all that has happened in the last couple months to bring me to this place... That may come in a later post.  I just know that flying over these beautiful mountains and saying goodbye will bring a rush of mixed emotions.

My time here has been such a wonderful experience. I have learned so much about Haiti, the Haitian people, ministry life, working and living closely with others and of course about myself and my relationship with God.  I have experienced joy like never before and my heart has filled with love to depths I never knew existed.  I never thought I'd ever be ready to leave this place and that brings a lot of questions and doubts. I do know though that I am in no way ready to close the door on Haiti forever. This place is still home to me and probably always will be but I need a break.

I could head back to Haiti as soon as August or September or it may be in the more distant future. I may come back with these kids who are now part of my heart or it may be somewhere else in Haiti. I may work for awhile in the States and come back in years to come. For now I just know that I am coming home for a couple months to pray about this and get some perspective outside of the chaos of life here.

While I am sad to be leaving the kids here I am so looking forward to seeing and spending time with my family and friends at home. I am looking forward to worshipping with my church family each Sunday.  I'm looking forward to a New England summer and all that it brings. I'm looking forward to replenishing my spirit and seeing what is next.  I know He knows.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! I pray the Lord brings you peace and exact truth as to what he has for you. XOXO
